Gentle - HERbal Yoni Blend
Art of Roots formulates herbal blends designed to assist women in achieving a healthy standard period. All herbal blends contain herbal properties that will address with clearing uterine congestion, improve vaginal flora, increase and stimulate blood flow, and help to regulate cycles. Each blend has additional herbs specific to the type of imbalance women may be experiencing.
Formulated to promote a full uterine cleanse, improve circulation, balance vaginal flora, tighten and tone.
Gentle Blend is deigned to help mildly clear the uterus from stagnation while also having the added benefit of possibly lengthening menstrual cycles and stopping fresh spotting or interim bleeding.
Blend for:
Sisters prone to short menstrual cycles (27 days or less)
Sisters who have experienced interim bleeding (fresh spotting/ spontaneous bleeding between periods) anytime in the past 3 months
Sisters who have experienced 2 periods per month anytime over the past 3 months
Postpartum Mama who are experiencing heavy blood flow, who’s period returns before 9 months postpartum or history of short menstrual cycles
Each packet contains the perfect amount of this organic herbal blend for 10 yoni steaming sessions.
20 steams: Facilitator
35 steams: Wholesale
Art of Roots formulates herbal blends designed to assist women in achieving a healthy standard period. All herbal blends contain herbal properties that will address with clearing uterine congestion, improve vaginal flora, increase and stimulate blood flow, and help to regulate cycles. Each blend has additional herbs specific to the type of imbalance women may be experiencing.
Formulated to promote a full uterine cleanse, improve circulation, balance vaginal flora, tighten and tone.
Gentle Blend is deigned to help mildly clear the uterus from stagnation while also having the added benefit of possibly lengthening menstrual cycles and stopping fresh spotting or interim bleeding.
Blend for:
Sisters prone to short menstrual cycles (27 days or less)
Sisters who have experienced interim bleeding (fresh spotting/ spontaneous bleeding between periods) anytime in the past 3 months
Sisters who have experienced 2 periods per month anytime over the past 3 months
Postpartum Mama who are experiencing heavy blood flow, who’s period returns before 9 months postpartum or history of short menstrual cycles
Each packet contains the perfect amount of this organic herbal blend for 10 yoni steaming sessions.
20 steams: Facilitator
35 steams: Wholesale
Art of Roots formulates herbal blends designed to assist women in achieving a healthy standard period. All herbal blends contain herbal properties that will address with clearing uterine congestion, improve vaginal flora, increase and stimulate blood flow, and help to regulate cycles. Each blend has additional herbs specific to the type of imbalance women may be experiencing.
Formulated to promote a full uterine cleanse, improve circulation, balance vaginal flora, tighten and tone.
Gentle Blend is deigned to help mildly clear the uterus from stagnation while also having the added benefit of possibly lengthening menstrual cycles and stopping fresh spotting or interim bleeding.
Blend for:
Sisters prone to short menstrual cycles (27 days or less)
Sisters who have experienced interim bleeding (fresh spotting/ spontaneous bleeding between periods) anytime in the past 3 months
Sisters who have experienced 2 periods per month anytime over the past 3 months
Postpartum Mama who are experiencing heavy blood flow, who’s period returns before 9 months postpartum or history of short menstrual cycles
Each packet contains the perfect amount of this organic herbal blend for 10 yoni steaming sessions.
20 steams: Facilitator
35 steams: Wholesale